Mozilla Sunbird

I have been feeling the need of a calendar application for quite some time now, and even though I use Yahoo calendar reminders, I wanted something more, something with better detail and more options. I was kind of reluctant to use Google calender, partly because it is going to be online. And then I found Sunbird from Mozilla.

So far I’ve used it for 15 minutes and have created 3 events, but might I say I am impressed. Neat and clean, streamlined, aesthetic, and with a lot of options – this is a clear win-win situation! Creating new tasks and events and setting up reminders is a jiffy. Multiple views are available – daily, weekly, multi-weekly, monthly and so on. You can see the events separately and sort them in various ways. The events, the calendar (for any view that you choose), and a smaller, overview calendar are visible in three different frames. You can search for events. You can create multiple calenders – for you and anybody else using the computer. You can go as far as you want in the future to set some event or task, and getting back to the current day is a matter of one right click and one selection. It sure is a very beautiful and user-friendly application, with a chic and pleasing interface. The download was 5MB for Windows, and it runs like a charm, knock on wood. Give it a try! Good job, Mozilla.

Sunbird from Mozilla

Sunbird from Mozilla